Meeting 2023
Mediterranean Archaeology Day
Highlight your research and stay informed about archaeological research on the Mediterranean area in the Netherlands and Belgium! Come and present your research and catch up afterwards during a New Year’s drink.
A new fieldwork idea, an evocative object, an ethnographic vignette, a micro-history, a theoretical experiment, a legacy project, a data overview, any work in progress – as long as it fits into a 10 minute pitch. We invite established scholars as well as new enthusiasts to present and listen. The aim of this day is to share and discuss research, and to meet up.

This initiative is organized by Platform Argos – history of archaeology, a fluid research collective currently held afloat by Wieke de Neef, Laurien de Gelder, Marleen Termeer, Anne Versloot & Jeltsje Stobbe. The first edition of this new initiative is hosted and supported by the archaeological department of the University of Amsterdam.
Mediterranean archeology as practiced in the Netherlands has seen various interuniversity platforms for presentation and discussion. Examples are the Babesch Archaeologists Day, the Mediterranean Archaeological Discussion Group (MAD), the Fieldwork Day, the Survey Day, and the many activities of TMA and ARCHON. Post-covid, we are happily building upon these initiatives with a new, hopefully annual day.

The call for pitches is closed. The program for the Mediterranean Archaeology Day is available here
Date & Time
Friday 13/01/2023 10.00 - 16.30 hrs
The first edition of the Mediterranean Archaeology Day is kindly hosted and supported by the archaeological department of the University of Amsterdam. The day will be held at Universiteitstheater, located in the centre of Amsterdam, reachable by metro 52 (one stop), metro 51/53/54 (two stops), or by foot (20 minutes) from Central Station.
New Year's Drink
The New Year's drink will be held at a cafe close to the venue. The first drink for speakers and attending public will be kindly offered by the archaeological department of the University of Amsterdam.
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