


09.30-11.15 HRS
09.30 Walk in, coffee & tea available
10.00 Gert Jan van Wijngaarden – Welcome on behalf of the Archaeology Department, University of Amsterdam
10.05 Laurien de Gelder – Welcome on behalf of Platform Argos
10.15 Anna Moles – Bioarchaeological approaches to mobility and its impact on human health in Roman Crete
10.30 Marleen Termeer – Coining Roman Rule?
10.45 Francesca Bulian, Luca Alessandri, Peter Attema & Jan Sevink – Salt and power: early states, Rome and resource control
11.00 Rachel Winter, Willemien de Kock & Canan Çakirlar – Recent contributions of zooarchaeology to marine historical ecology in the Mediterranean

11.15-11.30 COFFEE & TEA BREAK

11.30-12.45 HRS
11.30 Manuela Ritondale – What a ship wrecked!? – cancelled
11.45 Lidewijde de Jong (PI), Bilal Annan, Tamara Dijkstra, Nicholas Aherne, John Turco & Paula Kalkman – MARE Mortuary archaeology of the Roman East
12.00 Gert Jan van Wijngaarden – Archaeology of archaeology at Troy
12.15 Fanny Opdenhoff – Remotely interested? Interaction between emperors and local population of Pompei and Herculaneum
12.30 Caroline van Toor, Sandra de Regt & Marcello de Vos (TMA) – CFP: archaeological frauds and fictions

12.45-14.00 LUNCH BREAK

14.00-15.00 HRS
14.00 Wieke de Neef – Geophysics and geoarchaeology at Frattesina (Veneto, Italy)
14.15 Sam Botan – Beyond Mediterranean trade: the case of Aksum – cancelled
14.30 Francesca Slim, Dimitris Filioglou & Canan Çakirlar – Zooarchaeology and socio-economic value of livestock in ancient Eastern Mediterranean
14.45 Anne Versloot, Laurien de Gelder, Marleen Termeer, Wieke de Neef & Jeltsje Stobbe – Making mediterranean pasts: stories from the archaeological field
15.00 Eline Verburg – Etruscans for all: the perception and reception of the Etruscans in 18th- and 19th-century Northwestern Europe

15.15-15.30 COFFEE & TEA BREAK

15.30-16.30 HRS
15.30 Marijke Gnade – Roman villa research Satricum (Lazio, Italy)
15.45 Martina Parini From the coast to the mountains: rural settlement systems in the Sibaritide (Calabria, South Italy) during the Hellenistic and Roman periods – cancelled
16.00 Danise van Hal – Central Greek auloi: materials provenance researched with least cost path analysis
16.15 Wieke de Neef, Peter Attema, Nino Larocca, Jan Sevink, Arnold Maurer, Sonja Filatova & Remco Bronkhorst –
The connected highlands: multidisciplinary investigations in the Pollino mountains (southern Italy)
16.30 Wieke de Neef – Closing words on behalf of Platform Argos