platform argos

Platform Argos is a fluid academic network for the history and anthropology of mediterranean archaeology, as practised in the Netherlands and Belgium. Its focus is on the histories of teaching, research, collections and archives of archaeological objects and fieldwork projects. Platform Argos organizes events focused on stimulating attention for these topics as well as sharing knowledge – with a specific concern for the opening up of archaeological archives and for oral history projects.

The platform was initiated in 2017 by Laurien de Gelder, Anne Versloot, Marleen Termeer, Gert Jan van Wijngaarden, Floris van den Eijnde, Wieke de Neef and Jeltsje Stobbe. The active members vary per activity.

Current Project

See for our current project Making Mediterranean Pasts: stories from the archaeological field (2021-2022)

The project consists of:

  • A series of interviews with archaeologists, physical geographers, technicians about their approach to the archaeological profession during their careers in the 1960s-1990s; with a special focus on theoretical and methodological concerns.
  • A day on the histories of theoretical and methodological developments in Mediterranean archaeology as practised in the Low Countries.
  • A volume based on the interviews.

Past Activities

See for our past activities (kindly hosted by UvA)

Activities 2017-2019
2017 Round Table 
2018 Workshop Day
2018-2019 Seminar series
2019 Volume with TMA
2019 Symposium History of Mediterranean Archeology in the Low Countries